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Sales price of Sulfur Granules Agriculture

price of Sulfur GranulesBentonite sulfur fertilizer 90% (Granule - Soil consumption)Advantages of using bentonite sulfur:The benefits of Fertilizer Sulfur:
price of Sulfur Granules

price of Sulfur Granules fertilizer contains 85% sulfur, which is the same as phosphate fertilizer and should be used before planting. This fertilizer reduces the localized pH of calcareous soils and supplies the required sulfate plants. Increases the solubility of low-consumption and high-consumption elements. And controls some of the fungal pathogens such as whitefly and saline and alkaline soils.

price of Sulfur Granules
sulphur granule

price of Sulfur Granules

supplies the required sulfate plants. Increases the solubility of low-consumption and high-consumption elements, and controls some of the fungal pathogens such as whitefly and salts of salts and alkali.

In soils, sulfur use as a sulfate plant. Using this fertilizer in alfalfa fields, the yield of this product increases by one ton per hectare.
Sulfur like nitrogen is removed from the soil through plant harvest, leaching, erosion, and gas losses. Mineralization of sulfur depends on the amount of sulfur in the organic material, because plants absorb mineral sulfur.
Severity of soil sulfate maintenance is dependent on several factors such as clay, clay type, pH and iron hydroxide content, aluminum. And the amount of adsorption of sulfur increases with decreasing pH. Nitrate concentration increases in plants that suffer from sulfur deficiency.

It is found that if this limit is less than 2.5 mg / g dry matter, nitrate accumulation occurs in the plant. Among the most important symptoms of sulfur deficiency in plants are pale, short and small plants. The stems of the affected plants are shorter and thinner than the usual and are mostly woody. And the leaf area is small and the number of leaves decreases, the number and weight of the fruit Decreases.

price of Sulfur Granules
sulphur granule

Bentonite sulfur fertilizer 90% (Granule – Soil consumption)

Sulfur is abundant in the plant, especially in the leaves, and is a component of the protein in the plant.
The most important sulfur action of the company is the production of amine acids, followed by protein synthesis. This element is an important ingredient in the formation of essential vitamins for plant metabolism.
Because of the carbonity of soils, the use of sulfur reduces the pH of soil and improves alkaline soil.
Sulfur disinfects soil due to its fungal properties.
It also smells the aroma of some herbs and vegetables associated with sulfur compounds.
Bentonite sulfur is 90% granular fertilizer that disintegrate in the soil. And can use both as a supplier of sulfur and as a modifier of alkaline soils. The granules of this fertilizer compose of very fine particles. This fertilizer contains an inflammable material that can disperse very quickly granulated fertilizers.

price of Sulfur Granules

Advantages of using bentonite sulfur:

Lowering soil pH and improving the absorption of elements such as nitrogen, phosphate and micronutrients.
Release of food stabilized in soil.
Sulfur plays an important role in the process of photosynthesis in the plant, and its deficit reduces plant growth, which increases the plant’s growth by using this fertilizer.
The resistance of the plant in cold conditions is high.
A significant amount of sulfur particles is transformed into sulfate at time of growth and provides the plant with this nutrient.

Advantages of using bentonite sulfur:

The benefits of Fertilizer Sulfur:

Sulfur fertilizer contributes to better growth of the plant by increasing the absorption of high nutrient and micronutrient nutrients in the soil, increasing the yield and quality of the product. Organic matter in the fertilizer facilitates the activation of useful soil microbes and facilitates biological oxidation in the soil.

This fertilizer contributes to the environmental health of the soil by gradually disinfecting the soil. And decreasing the use of chemical pesticides. It can easily use with a fertilizer. Using this fertilizer, the physico-chemical properties of the soil improve and the yield increase by 30 to 60 percent.

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