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Sale of rubber granules artificial turf production

rubber granules artificial turf backgroundrubber granules artificial turf advantagesRisks of using artificial turf
Sale of rubber granules artificial turf production

Using rubber granules in floor covering and producing Sports equipment are the largest usage of rubber granules. One of the floor covering that people are using in different places like yards, gardens and especially sport pitches is artificial turf. So sale of rubber granules artificial turf production is common in countries and cities that have sport pitches.

Sale of rubber granules artificial turf production

rubber granules artificial turf background

For decades, natural turf was covering the sport pitches and some places. They need maintenance, water, seeds and etc. Having a fresh natural turf in all seasons are almost impossible. So Manufacturers decide to produce a vintage turf. But using plastics are against nature and also is a risk for earth life. Later, when polymer factories start to produce rubber granules, they decide to make artificial turf by rubber granules. It was profitable and also nature friendly. Now you can see rubber granule artificial turf in all sport pitches. They are marketed across North America, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.Sale of rubber granules artificial turf production


rubber granules artificial turf advantages

because people are always running on the turf. It should be destroyed soon. By using rubber granules artificial turf this would never happened. Using natural turf need maintenance. Also use water and planting seeds. But artificial turf is always green without maintenance. When athletes are running on the natural turf, turfs can be harmful or make damages. But rubber granules artificial turf is unmixed and flat.  cost-savings and greater access in all weathers along with claimed major chemical exposure risks are the other benefits of using rubber granules artificial turf in sports and play surfaces. In addition, all of the parks have especial play grounds for children. There are varied rubber granules floor covers for these places. But artificial turf is the other choice for play grounds. They are soft and beautiful for parks.

Sale of rubber granules artificial turf production

Risks of using artificial turf

At first, we should make sure you that they are not risky. There are a number of competing interests between manufacturers, suppliers, purchasers, parents and users with regard to artificial pitches and playgrounds and their effective oversight by governments and health, safety and environment agencies. Debates about various pitches have covered hazards and risks, waste disposal and recycling and sustainability strategies, exposures and uptake, costs and benefits linked to alternative pitch options, externalizing of costs of any potential adverse human effects from manufacturers onto communities and the health services, chemical control limits, health surveillance.

Researchers, through a range of funders including local and central government, charities and industry, have investigated aspects of theoretical and field exposure of users and also communities where crumb rubber leaching into water was assessed. Artificial turf manufacturers claim their products are safe and superior to natural grass

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