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sell rubber granules flooring and playground

Rubber Granules Flooring TextureRubber Granules Flooring TypesStrigose Rubber Granule flooringAdvantages of using Rubber Granule Flooring
sell rubber granules flooring and playground

Using Rubber Granules for flooring and Play ground is a wise decision. Also Polymer Factories sell rubber granules flooring and playground. Also It is increasing for other places like Play ground that hard and firm Ground can harm bodies. So using rubber Granules flooring and playgrounds should be a rule. Because safety is the first rule of Citizens satisfaction.

Rubber Granules Flooring Texture

Rubber Granules Flooring are made from recycling Cars Tires. Owners should use this type of flooring in Play grounds and gyms. Also in some towers in the parking and even House floors people use these Rubber Granules. They have consistency against Sunlight and Changes of Weather. So their Durability make them usable for public places. Based on a Physics principle about Momentum, When A Solid thing have collision with Rubber Granules The time of Force effect increases and prevent to harm the Solid thing. This feature of Rubber Granules is the Greatest Advantage of them. Also their softness is good for children that have soft skin. Because it provides safety and also decrease Momentum Movement.

sell rubber granules flooring and playground

Rubber Granules Flooring Types

There are two main Granule flooring types: Simple type and a type of them that is made from Eggs keeping places. Their thicknesses are varied too. Most used thickness of Rubber Granules Flooring is:
20 mm
25 mm
30 mm
40 mm

All types of Granules Flooring are using in the Parks, Play grounds and Sport Gyms.

sell rubber granules flooring and playground

Strigose Rubber Granule flooring

Strigose Rubber Granule Flooring with 20 mm thickness are not so shock absorber. So they are more usable in Parking and places which does not need Shock Absorbing. Their Colors are darker. But the base of their Materials are the same as others. Also This type of rubber granule flooring is the best for places like Parks and parking. There are too many places that use Rubber granules for flooring. Just not because cover floors. they make the environment more beautiful.

sell rubber granules flooring and playground

Advantages of using Rubber Granule Flooring

There are a lot of Advantages of using rubber Granule Flooring.

  • Good Durability
  • Shock absorber
  • Recyclable
  • Easy installation
  • Nature Friendly

With progressing this Industry, there are many countries that insist on using these types of Floor covering for their public places. Recycling help nature and also is profitable in this field. Factories in Iran are using advanced techniques to produce The best quality Rubber Granule Flooring. Also Rubber Granules Flooring Sales are increasing. Because mayors and other people in charge are getting familiar with these type of Floor Coverings.

Destroyed granules invite you for buy the best granules.

Complete the below form for consulting.


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